Just a 5-minute update on some minor changes to the podcast, namely replacing
Critical Study of Matthew and Masculinity
Matthean ExegesisJust a 5-minute update on some minor changes to the podcast, namely replacing
Critical Study of Matthew and Masculinity
Matthean ExegesisMatt 4:23-5:2 and 7:28-29
The Frame for the Sermon on the Mount
What is "not like the scribes"?
The first four to join Jesus on a mission to ... do what, exactly?
To "catch people"?
Is it a manly thing?
Peter, Andrew, James (Jacob), and John accept the invitation to become people catchers.
Matt 4:18–22
I'm compiling a list of typos, minor errors, and revisions for the book The Poetics of Matthew 1. So far the only significant change to note is that the word "adultery" on page 56 should be "porneia" (the remaining revisions are less significant):
page x "according" should change to "according to" in fourth paragraph
page xii remove round brackets from fifth paragraph: "(and why...)"
page xiv "verse 18a)" change to "v. 18a)" in fourth paragraph
page xvi "interchangeable" change to "interchangeably" in first paragraph
page 1 "question" change to "questions" in third paragraph
page 19 "Temple" change to "temple" in second paragraph
page 27 "1:3–16" change to "1:2–16" in table heading
page 39 use small caps for "lord" namely "LORD" in first paragraph
page 44 add line break before "In all", between third and fourth paragraphs
page 56 change "adultery" to "porneia" beginning of third paragraph
page 68 delete redundant "(and making wrong plans)" in second paragraph
page 68 revise footnote wording from:
"Yamasaki explains the importance of creating empathy with a character. See Yamasaki, Perspective Criticism.
Yamasaki, Perspective Criticism, explains the importance of creating empathy with a character.
page 70 delete "(Matt 1:19)" from bottom of table
page 70 change "How is it that:" to "Namely:" in fourth paragraph
page 93 make "n" in "name" italic in fifth-to-last line
page 102 change "were critical" to "were essential" in third-to-last line
page 109 change "waiting on a man" to "waiting for a certain man" in first line
page 111 "there are three" change to "the three" in third paragraph
page 124 insert "of us" into "those reading" so should be "those of us reading" end of fifth paragraph
page 129 change "nor" to "or" in paragraph four
page 129 change "In Matthew 13" to "In Matthew 23" paragraph four
page 131 un-capitalize the E in Eunuchs thus "eunuchs" end of second paragraph
After Jesus is baptized, God is pleased
. . . with what exactly?
(Matt 3:16–17)
Matt 3:13–15
John wants Jesus to take over the ministry and does not want to baptize Jesus.
Jesus has different plans.
John the Baptist warns of coming wrath/judgement
Does this fit Matthew's portrayal of Jesus?