Wednesday, 5 January 2022

009: The parallel story to how Joseph became the father of Jesus

PG Contains mild adult themes and sexual references.

This episode is about the parallel story to how Joseph almost does not become known as the father of Jesus because he thought it would not be right for him to claim to be the father of Mary's child nor pursue marital relations with Mary.

There's actually a parallel story that for some reason we haven't previously studied even though it's such a close story parallel, much closer than the apocryphal story of Noah's birth, or the apocryphal story of Moses's conception. So it's time to study this story parallel, and to help answer the question of why Matt 1:18-25 is so focused on Joseph. What Joseph is doing what Joseph is not doing. What Joseph is told to do and what he ends up doing or not doing. Why is it so focused on Joseph. 

Verse three of Matthew chapter one has already dropped a hint as to what the parallel story is. So I'll begin reading aloud the relevant portions of Matthew chapter one, in this case, the first three verses and then verses 18 to 25.